Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Thanksgiving Point with Papa and Grandma

Easter Egg throw - Who can get closest to the fence without breaking their egg.

No Easter pictures of Brit - he was out of town at a baseball tournament.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Morgan Track

Morgan is still trying to run with POTS. She ended the indoor season placing 3rd
at the indoor state championships in the 400m.

Morgan has decided she will keep racing the 400m but is getting more and more tired doing that one lap. Her heart rate is now up to 246 beats per minute after running the 400m. She still throws up at practices but will not quit. She will run the 200m and has just decided a couple days ago that she wants to run the 100m but that means she has to be in blocks. For the last two days she has been working with her coach on blocking. It is so hard for her to be with her head down and then shoot upwards, this makes her heart rate jump and she gets lightheaded. Tomorrow will be her first time doing the 100m in blocks and we are nervous for her. Above is her practicing the blocks.

Brit - 7th grade track

400m race won it in 63 seconds
Brit at the start line of the 800m. There was a lot of pushing going on if you can't tell.
Brit took 3rd in the 800m in 2:38.

I told Brit he should try doing track. He went a few weeks ago and the coach had the distance run 7 miles and Brit hadn't been running at all. Needless to say, Brit did not like running he was so sore after 7 miles he could barely walk the next day. Brit wanted to quit but I suggested he try the sprints. He has trained a couple weeks and today had his second track meet. He ran the 400m and the 800m. Tomorrow Brit will play his first baseball game of the season.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Morgan - Indoor Track

So you all know Morgan is a fighter and is determined not to let POTS make her stop running even though her body is so tired, nauseated, and her heart races all the time. Last week in practice her heart rate was 240 beats per minute normal range would be around 150 beats per minute after a hard workout. The doctor said she will pass out on the track before she has a heart attack. She can't run distance at all because she is too tired but she is working on short distances.
Saturday, we went to her first race of the indoor track season which was at BYU. She signed up to run the 400m and 200m. There were 10 heats of the 400m and 12 heats for the 200m. She was in the last heat of each race. I was so scared for her I was shaking wondering if she could get around the track without collasping. She made it around barely you could see her strength was gone. She placed fifth in the 400m and fourth in the 200m. The girls who beat her were all girls she had beat last year in track. We were thrilled with how she did, but it is hard to know where she has been.
Below are two of Morgan's teammates.
Below Morgan is running the 200m.

Morgan on the stand for the 200m

Morgan on the stand for the 200m