Saturday, August 30, 2008

Brit and Morgan asleep in the jeep!

As we were driving home today the kids fell asleep in the back seat. If Morgan would have been awake Brit would have never been able to lay his head on her shoulder or vise versa. I don't know if this will ever happen again. I had to take a picture of it and the only thing I had in the car was my cell phone so it is not the best picture. This week was exhausting for all of us with work, school, kid's sports, scouts, young women's, and let's not forget American Fork High School football and BYU football.


Danielle Thompson said...

You could blackmail them with all kinds of stuff to keep that picture hidden from their friends--but you have to admit, they look pretty cute and comfy!

Lindsey said...

Wow...I may have to get a copy to tease them with!!!