Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Busy As Can Be

I have no new pictures to post right now. I have taken my camera to several soccer, track and baseball games but I have not taken any pictures. The reason being is that every game I have gone to lately has had either snow, wind, freezing temperatures or all of the above. There was so much dirt flying at Brit's baseball game last Saturday afternoon I had to take a shower when I got home. This Thursday and Friday Morgan has Jr High State Championships in Track. I will let you know how she does. Morgan also is starting her soccer tournament tonight. Brit is doing track and baseball. He has a game this Wednesday and Thursday night. I hope to get some pictures of both of them and post them soon.

By the way, Morgan and Kelly went turkey hunting last weekend. Morgan was calling in the turkeys but they weren't able to get the one they wanted.

1 comment:

Danielle Thompson said...

Hey--I would have loved to see you braving the dust storm at the game! I would have to agree about the weather--it is just WRONG to be freezing in April!